A.I. Design Dash

Turning your A.I. ideas into real, tangible products.

Embrace the future of product development with our "A.I. Design Dash"! This exciting 5-day adventure is all about turning your A.I. ideas into real, tangible products. Think of it as a super-charged brainstorming session, but for A.I.

With A.I. Design Dash, you're in for a fun, fast-paced week of exploring, creating, and testing that brings your A.I. product to life.

What is A.I. Design Dash?

A.I. Design Dash isn't your typical development process. It's a fun, fast-paced journey of exploration, creation, and testing. Over 5 intensive days, your team will brainstorm, problem-solve, and prototype, transforming your vision into a tangible A.I. product. It's a super-charged ideation session that brings together the best of your team's creativity and the cutting-edge of A.I. technology.

Why Choose A.I. Design Dash?

Choosing A.I. Design Dash means choosing to shape the future of technology. This process breaks the chains of conventional development cycles, fostering an environment of rapid innovation and creative problem-solving. The result? Groundbreaking A.I. products that don't just meet market demands, but redefine them.

Experience the Dash Difference

Get ready for an exciting, challenging, and inspiring journey. Each day of the A.I. Design Dash brings a new focus, from understanding your users and sketching solutions to deciding on the best approach and building a high-fidelity prototype. And on the final day? You'll test your prototype with real users, gathering valuable feedback to refine your product.

Ready to Dash into the Future?

Join us for a thrilling ride into the world of A.I. development. With A.I. Design Dash, you're not just keeping up with technology, you're helping shape it. So, are you ready to dash into the future of A.I. with us? Let's make something amazing together!

Get in touch to book your own A.I. Design Dash

A.I. Design Dash details

The A.I. Design Dash workshop takes into consideration the unique aspects of developing A.I. native products, including the need for understanding A.I. capabilities, brainstorming A.I.-specific solutions, deciding on feasible and impactful A.I. applications, prototyping A.I. models or interactions, and validating the A.I. solution with users.

A.I. Design Dash can be run at your offices or at Flink Labs in Melbourne. While it is possible to run a Dash hybrid or remotely, we don't recommend it and believe the most value will be gained working with your team in person.

Monday - A.I. Empathy Mapping

Kick off the sprint by understanding the problem space, customer needs, and how A.I. can provide a solution. This involves customer interviews, exploring A.I. possibilities, and defining the product's value proposition.

  1. Input Gathering
    Collect all existing knowledge, data, customer feedback, and market research.
  2. Problem Definition
    Define the customer problem that needs to be solved.
  3. A.I. Possibilities
    Explore how A.I. can solve the identified problem.
  4. Value Proposition
    Define the value proposition of the potential A.I. solution from the customer's perspective.
  5. Goal Setting
    Set clear goals for the sprint based on the problem and the potential A.I. solution.

Tuesday - Ideation Incubator

Generate a wide range of ideas on how A.I. can solve the identified problem. Use brainstorming techniques like 'Crazy 8s' but with a focus on A.I. solutions. The goal is to encourage thinking outside the box and exploring various A.I. possibilities.

  1. Brainstorming
    Generate a wide range of A.I. ideas to solve the identified problem.
  2. Sketching
    Sketch 8 variations of the best ideas in 8 minutes to encourage thinking outside the box.
  3. Idea Sharing
    Share and discuss the ideas generated.
  4. Idea Voting
    Vote on the most promising ideas.
  5. Top Ideas Selection
    Select the top ideas to be further developed and explored.

Wednesday - Convergence Canvas

Review and evaluate the ideas generated on Day 2. Decide on the most promising A.I. solution that balances customer needs, feasibility, and impact. Create a user journey map to visualise how the A.I. solution size will fit into the user's experience.

  1. Idea Review
    Review the top ideas from Tuesday.
  2. Feasibility Evaluation
    Evaluate the feasibility of implementing each idea.
  3. Impact Analysis
    Analyze the potential impact of each idea on solving the problem.
  4. Decision Making
    Decide on the most promising A.I. solution to prototype.
  5. User Journey Mapping
    Create a user journey map for the chosen A.I. solution.

Thursday - Prototyping Pod

Develop a prototype of the chosen A.I. solution. In the context of A.I., this could be a data model, a set of wireframes showing user interaction with the A.I., or a storyboard illustrating the A.I. functionality.

  1. Prototype Planning
    Define what the prototype should demonstrate and how it will be tested.
  2. A.I. Model Development
    If applicable, develop a basic A.I. model to be used in the prototype.
  3. Interaction Design
    Design the user interactions with the A.I..
  4. Prototype Building
    Build the prototype, incorporating the A.I. model and user interactions.
  5. Prototype Review
    Review the prototype and make any necessary adjustments.

Friday - Feedback Forge

Validate the prototype with target users. Gather feedback on the A.I. solution, its usability, and its effectiveness in solving the problem. In the context of A.I., this could also involve testing the accuracy and effectiveness of the A.I. model.

  1. Test Plan
    Define how the prototype will be tested and what feedback will be collected.
  2. Testing with Users
    Test the prototype with target users.
  3. Feedback Collection
    Collect user feedback on the A.I. solution, usability, and effectiveness.
  4. A.I. Model Testing
    If applicable, test the accuracy and effectiveness of the A.I. model.
  5. Sprint Review
    Review the sprint, the feedback collected, and plan next steps.

Get in touch to book your own A.I. Design Dash